Real Bonus (Echte Bonus)

High and rising incomes of Big Bosses have been a returning issue in the Dutch news for years. By contrast to all the fruitless anger, our approach is surprisingly positive. The Dutch public now offers a Real Bonus for those in charge of large corporations and semi-public institutions.

Any Big Boss who shows leadership by giving up part of his / her income towards a better world, is awarded a Real Bonus. So what is a Real Bonus? People from the Netherlands are offering to do whatever is in their means to make a Big Boss happy. Paint him a portrait, sing her to sleep after a hard day’s work, write a poem, bake the best carrot cake, provide a unique workshop or host a climb to the top of a mountain.

At the website people can post their offer towards an increasingly abundant menu. Some initial participants include Dutch celebrities like the philosopher Bas Haring who offers to cook a three-course philosophical meal and theatre maker Marjolijn van Heemstra, who will give the Big Boss a lead role in a play.

After its start in the Netherlands, the Real Bonus campaign can easily take flight globally, with people making their offer on Twitter using the hashtag #RealBonus. We welcome reactions from campaigners interested in taking up this project.

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